After his resurrection, and before his ascension, Jesus commanded his disciples to go into all the world baptizing and making disciples. His method was simple. They were to preach and teach all that Jesus had taught them. And what did he spend the majority of his time teaching about? His favorite message: the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Sounds pretty simple, right? Maybe. Maybe not. Jesus spent much time teaching, explaining, and answering questions, but he also took the time to show his disciples what it meant to be his disciple. To be the greatest in the Kingdom of God, they had to become the least. They had to love God first and most of all. They also had to love their neighbor - and their enemy! Maybe being a disciple of Christ isn't as easy as it sounds. Maybe, it even sounds a little "upside-down." At Joy Fellowship, we focus the ministries God has entrusted us with on making disciples in word and deed. Here are a few:
The Message of the Kingdom of God In Print and online
Although you will frequently hear about the coming Kingdom of God in the sermons and classes at Joy Fellowship, we don't stop there. Pastor Wally also edits and writes for additional publications that are spreading the message that Jesus emphasized. In Prophecy Dot-to-Dot, published 10 times a year, you will discover articles involving Bible prophecy and how it's all connected with the world news and events today. In the monthly E-Herald of the Coming Kingdom, you can read on a variety of Bible topics and news happenings throughout the churches.
Preaching, Teaching, and Music
At Joy Fellowship, we also sponsor an online internet broadcasting channel. Through CoGcast broadcasts, sermons, music, and teaching are heard online around the world each day. Also throughout the week, there are several opportunities for distant and disconnected members to "attend" video broadcasts of church services live online - including our own service every Saturday.
The Servant Ministry of a Kingdom Citizen
Jesus also said that his mission as the King was not to be served, but to serve others. Now that's upside-down! At Joy, we also focus efforts on community and worldwide service. Whether it is collecting canned goods for our local food pantry or shoes for those without or toys for orphanages in Africa, there are many opportunities for you to serve. Maybe you even have your own idea of how we can be servants for Christ. Let us know. Let's try it!